Running Machine
Yuiko Masukawa, Sam Mcgilp, Harrison Hall, Makoto Uemura and Kazuhiko Hiwa
Busy busy busy. From the simple act of walking to strenuous physical labour, audience and artists gather to build… something… in this dynamic collaboration between Australian and Japanese artists.
The human body is the raw material from which immersive digital spaces are formed, as performers build and rebuild physical and projected sculptures. Bringing a digital body into existence is a kind of birth we’ve yet to fully understand: what is digital labour, and who’s labour is it??
Australian artists Yuiko Masukawa, Harrison Hall and Sam Mcgilp have collaborated with Japanese artists Kazuhiko Hiwa and Makoto Uemura across languages and borders, to create a multi-modal work arising from their expertise across performance, design, sculpture and media art. Originally developed in Fujiyoshida, Japan, Running Machine invites us to be active in designing the future of our own experience – a celebration of a hybrid world that could be more equal than the one in which we currently reside.
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For our generation, as for all generations to come, the development and flourishing of our digital lives was concurrent with our physical lives. Maybe though, we are one of the last generations to inherit a sense of distinction between these worlds.
Running Machine is a work that has been developed over the past two years, across borders and in translation. This process has required us to slow down and listen. This receptive, slow pacing is at odds with our current digital culture, and is something that we want to bring to this work.
The lead artists for Running Machine are a heterogeneous group from different countries, experiences and abilities, and so our act of creating this hybrid live/digital work has been an act of defining practices and models for a more inclusive vision of the hybrid world to come.
歩く という単純な動作から激しい動きへ、アーティストと観客が組み上げるものとは・・・日豪のアーティストの精力的なコラボレーション作品。
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For our generation, as for all generations to come, the development and flourishing of our digital lives was concurrent with our physical lives. Maybe though, we are one of the last generations to inherit a sense of distinction between these worlds.
Running Machine is a work that has been developed over the past two years, across borders and in translation. This process has required us to slow down and listen. This receptive, slow pacing is at odds with our current digital culture, and is something that we want to bring to this work.
The lead artists for Running Machine are a heterogeneous group from different countries, experiences and abilities, and so our act of creating this hybrid live/digital work has been an act of defining practices and models for a more inclusive vision of the hybrid world to come.
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